For residential real estate agents with your purchase you are granted permanent, non-transferable usage rights to the media that we produce for you. This means that you can use the media for your listing, personal brand/marketing, or social media. However, you are not permitted to sell, give, or transfer the media to others without our express written permission. If a third-party is interested in purchasing or using the media, they must contact us.  is the owner of the copyright of all media produced.

Most other companies only allow you to use media while the listing is active, we go above and beyond by giving you much more extended usage rights compared to our competitors!

Below are some common scenarios and how the usage rights apply: 

  • You can:
    • Use the media for your listing on MLS
    • Use the media on sites like Zillow or Realtor.com
    • Use the media on your personal or business social media accounts
    • Send the media to a graphic designers to make a flyer for your listing
    • Use the media for an end of the year social media post showcasing the homes that you sold throughout the year
    • Reuse the photos if the home goes off the market then comes back on the market as long as you are still the listing agent
      • Note: Some MLS policies state that photos can only be used for a certain period of time before they must be retaken. Consult the MLS board that you are a part of for polices, rules, or guidelines.
    • Give the photos to the homeowner who is selling the house for keep-sake or memory purposes.
  • You can not: 
    • Give, sell, or transfer the media to another home-services provider like the roofing company, cleaning service, stager, window company or others
    • Give, sell, or transfer the media to another real estate agent (including the buyer's agent), even if you no longer have the listing
    • Give, sell, or transfer the media to the buyer of the home
    • Give, sell, or transfer the media to the homeowner's who are selling the house if they intend to use the media to rent out or use the photos for any commercial purpose
    • Sell the media to anyone
    • Claim the media as something that you produced

For commercial photography clients (not residential estate agents) our media rights are different, contact us for more information. 

Media (photos, videos, or anything else produced by Photofliks Inc.) can only be transferred to another agent by Photofliks Inc. staff with permission of the original agent. To transfer media, contact our customer service staff. 

A few things to note about media transfers: 

  • There will be a cost to transfer the media, this must be paid by the agent receiving the media.
  • The original purchaser of the usage rights will no longer be able to use or have access to the media.

All photographers are required to be certified drone pilots through the FAA. Photographers go through FAA training first to obtain their Part 107 certification and then go through an extensive training process with Photofliks Inc. to learn how to safely operate the drones and capture great media!  Photographers also obtain real-time airspace authorization from the FAA prior to each and every flight.

To ensure consistency and accurate information, we do not give out photographer's phone numbers. If you ever need to pass something along to the photographer like notes for a shoot or updating home access info, just give us a call at 469-251-8184 or send us an email at services@photofliks.com.

Photofliks Inc. only accepts debit cards or credit cards and zelle for payment. Cash, checks, or other forms of payment are not currently accepted.

Each time a payment is processed a receipt is automatically sent out to the email address we have on file. If you did not receive the receipt, please contact us so we can ensure we have your email address correct and we can resend the receipt to you. 

Refunds can take up to 21 calendar days to appear on your statement. Although our team processes the refunds right away, due to delays by your bank it can take up to 21 days. 

If you do not see the refund after 21 days, reach out to your bank or card issuer to check on the status of the refund.

If you need to request a refund, please contact us.

Unfortunately, due to technological limitations, we are unable to send you a list or statement of all previous receipts or invoices. Each time a payment is processed a receipt is emailed to you so that can be used for accounting purposes. 

If you need a receipt for an individual property or transaction, please contact us and we can resend that to you.

A credit card or debit card can only be updated when a transaction is taking place. Unfortunately there is no way for us to update the card on file unless we are processing a payment. 

For your next order or payment, you can update the card when ordering online or give us a call to order over the phone. 

Refunds can be processed for services that have not yet been captured or processed with a few exceptions:

  • If we are unable to capture part of a package due to weather or the home not being ready, we are unable to process a partial refund for that package
    • For example: If the Photos Only package is ordered and it rains so we are unable to capture the exterior photos, we are unable to process a partial refund for the exterior photos.
  • If the cancellation of an appointment results in a fee, we will refund the charges minus the applicable fee.

We accept all major credit cards or debit cards.

Our scheduling center is able to accommodate requests for a particular photographer based on availability. Our customers have found that regardless of which of our photographers shows up for their shoot - they are always happy with both the experience and the media! 

A few things that we do to ensure that you always have a great experience:

  • All photographers are trained in-house which leads to consistency between each and every photographer
    • Most companies just do a quick onboarding and style guide review - this is not what we do. We train each photographer in how to conduct the walkthrough at the shoot, capture the home's selling features, and deliver the best possible customer experience! In fact, quite a few of our photographers have no experience before starting with Photofliks Inc. and by the end of our training program are regularly shooting multi-million dollar properties!
  • We have a separate editing team that processes all the media, regardless of who the photographer is. Once again, this ensures consistency between each shoot. This also allows our photographers to master the skill of media capture while our editors can be experts at editing and post-production. 
  • We highly recommend that any shoot preferences that you have should be communicated to our scheduling centre, so that we can reference those on each shoot. Some examples of notes that other client's use are: 
    • Do not show toilets in any of the photos, my brokerage does not allow them
    • I always want a shot with the front door open looking into the home
    • Do not shoot secondary bathrooms, only the master bathroom

The way that we do our photography results in great looking photos regardless of the time of day.  We use multiple exposures to capture different amounts of light throughout one photo which leads to a fantastic final photo. Also, the way that a home faces does not affect the way our photos will look. 

However, if shadows naturally occur either on the ground or on the house due to trees and/or the house causing a shadow, we are usually not able to remove that in editing. If you want exterior photos that have no shadows at all, we highly recommend twilight photos.

All drone flights are subject to FAA laws, rules, and regulations. All Photofliks Inc. photographers get real-time airspace authorization from the FAA at each appointment. Our customer service team can check a property ahead of time but it is still possible that an airspace restriction could be in place at the time of the shoot due to something like the President being in town or a sporting event nearby.

If a homeowner is represented by a realtor we strongly suggest that the realtor is the one that schedules the shoot for the home. We recommend this for a few reasons: 

  • If the homeowner schedules the shoot, the homeowner's contact information will appear on the property website.
  • The realtor would not be able to reschedule or make any changes to the shoot
  • The realtor would not be able to request and edits or changes to the media once complete

If the homeowner is not represented by a realtor they are welcome to book a shoot with us as a For Sale By Owner listing. To book a shoot as a homeowner, give us a call at 469-251-8184 or book online. If the homeowner is later represented by a realtor, media transfer rules would apply.

Turnaround times for edit requests follow the same times as the initial delivery of the media. Although it is usually much quicker than that (depending on the type of request) that is what we guarantee.

If you'd like for us to change the music in the video, you can send the request via email. When sending, include the link to the song and be sure you have the right to the song. 

Note: We can not use any other music in our videos due to copyright and licensing issues, even if you own the rights to the music.

You can add your color preference to your note for the photographer upon booking.

Shadows from photos can usually be reduced but it might not be possible to remove them entirely. If you do not want any shadows in the photos, we highly recommend picking a different time of day.

Most of the time, we are able to remove objects from photos but an Advanced Editing fee might apply. Due to technological limitations, we are not able to remove objects from videos For info on prepping the home for the photo shoot, click here.

We are unable to add a pin over the house on aerial photos but we do offer our Color Pop Enhancement editing option for aerial photos. This makes the subject property in color while the rest of the photo is black and white.

We recommend that fireplaces and fire pits be turned off during the photo portion of the shoot. Due to the way that we take our photos, if they are turned on it can lead to the fire looking blurry in the photos. However, ultimately if the realtor/homeowner wants the fire turned on during the photos that is fine with us, we just can't guarantee that it won't be blurry. 

During videos we highly recommend that fireplaces or fire pits be turned on to add to the motion effect of the video. 

We also offer fire in the fireplace as an editing add on.

Yes. Our photographers are not a replacement for professional stagers and are not cleaners. The photographer will do a walk through at the beginning of each shoot but this is not a replacement for proper home preparation. 

If the home is not ready at the time of the shoot, our normal rescheduling fee will apply. 

If no one is at the property at the time of the shoot but another access method has been provided, the photographer will assume the home is ready to be shot and will complete the shoot regardless of the condition of the home. 

We recommend that homeowners leave the home during the time of the shoot. Most homeowners meet the photographer at the home for the walk-through and then leave to let the photographer capture all media.

Some types of media like videos have to be captured in a certain order which presents challenges for kids or elderly homeowners that might be required to move a lot during the shoot so in this situation we recommend them not being home for the shoot. 

During twilight photos homeowners should avoid being close to windows so they do not appear in the photos. 

We strongly recommend that pets are either not at the property at the time of the shoot or they are in an area that we will not shoot like a laundry room or an air conditioned garage. 

Even pets that are outside can cause issues for us while we are trying to capture the media. Dogs and cats love to watch what is going on and are often caught in the windows when we are capturing media. 

Additionally, for safety purposes, if our photographers do not feel comfortable entering the home with a pet inside, we will be forced to reschedule the shoot and cancellation or rescheduling fees will apply. 

Although we recommend meeting the photographer at least for the beginning of the shoot you do not have to. We like to do a walk-through at the beginning of each shoot to identify the selling features of the home as well as any special requests you, as the realtor, might have. 

We always recommend meeting us at each appointment, at least at the beginning of the shoot, but if you can not meet us there are a few ways that we can access the home. When booking the shoot online or over the phone, let us know the access method/code and we will use that to access the home. 

  • Meet the homeowner at the shoot - we are always more than happy to meet the homeowner at the shoot to gain access to the home. 
  • Traditional Lockbox - combo box or other similar lockbox with a code. 
  • Supra Box - we have access to supra but must have the 7 digit Call Before Showing code (also called CBS code) to access the supra.
  • Electronic Door Lock - we can use a built in electronic door lock but be sure to include detailed instructions about how to activate the lock/keypad, enter the code (additional inputs like # * or similar), and how to lock the door when the shoot is done.
  • Hidden Key - although we do not recommend it for security purposes if you have hidden a key, let us know where it is located and we will use the key then return it to the exact same spot at the end of the shoot. 

If there is rain, snow, or other inclement weather forecasted at the time of the shoot you have two options: 

  1. Keep the shoot at the scheduled time and we can at least get the interior media. If we are not able to get the exterior media, we will come back for no additional charge. Most customers choose to do this.  
  2. You can reschedule the entire shoot. Normally there is a fee to cancel or reschedule the shoot if it is the same day, but if it is due to weather, we will waive the fee for you (subject to management discretion). You can view our full cancellation and rescheduling policy here

You can also read our refund policy in regards to partial refunds due to weather. 

Additionally, if we arrive at the property, and then you decide to cancel or reschedule the appointment, a fee may apply subject to management discretion. If you'd like to cancel or reschedule, please let us know at least 24 hours before the appointment. We have one of the most lenient policies in the industry (other companies charge rescheduling or reshoot fees even when due to weather) so we just ask for advanced notice if you do wish to reschedule your appointment.

Shoots that are cancelled or rescheduled the same day of the scheduled shoot will result in a fee. 

To view our inclement weather policy, click here

If your shoot is on a Monday and we are closed the day before, just send us an email letting us know that you need to cancel or reschedule and we will use that time stamp for whether or not a fee applies. As long as the email is received at most, 24hours before the day of the shoot, no fee will apply. 

For information about our refund policy, click here

If we are unable to fly the drone at a listing due to weather or a temporary flight restriction we will return to the property, for no additional fee, to capture the media at a later date. 

If we are unable to capture a part of a package due to weather or a temporary flight restriction, we are unable to process a partial refund for that package.

If the property has a permanent flight restriction (too close to airport...) but the Full Package was ordered, you have 2 options: 

  • You may choose to have the photographer capture ground video with their regular cameras. This is what most customers choose so that you still have a video to market the home. This option will not result in any refund or price change. 
  • You may choose to downgrade to the Photos Only package and we will refund the difference in price. 

If the realtor is the one booking the appointment/shoot they must pay for the shoot. For more info about homeowners booking appointments, click here

Due to the volume of shoots that we do in a day, we are not able to send a notification or give you a call when the photographer is done with the shoot. Instead you can ask the scheduling center when the shoot is booked for the estimated duration of the appointment. Also, if you are meeting the photographer at the appointment, they can give you a more accurate expectation of how long it will take. 

It is our policy that we do not give out photographer's phone numbers

The photographer will arrive on-time for the scheduled appointment. However, if they are running late, the photographer will notify the scheduling center and the scheduling center will give you a call to let you know. Additionally, photographers will not start early unless specific notes have been left by the realtor allowing them to do so. 

It is our policy that we do not give out photographer's phone numbers.

Please give us a call at 469-251-8184 or book on our website. 

Note: When booking on our website you are requesting a date and time. After requesting a date and time our customer service team will reach out to confirm the date and time or offer alternatives.

When booking online you are requesting a date and time for that appointment. Due to technological limitations, our customer service team must review each appointment before confirming it. Once the shoot date and time is confirmed, we will send you an email letting you know that it is confirmed. If the date and/or time requested online is not available, we will give you a call to find an alternative date and/or time.

Our schedule is always changing but we recommend booking at least 1-3 days in advance. However, if you need an appointment in a shorter time frame, you can always request a date and time online or give us a call to find the earliest available appointment.

We do offer fire in the fireplace which adds a nice warm, comforting fire to all fireplaces and/or fire pits in the photos. For a small editing charge we will add the fire to any fireplace or fire pit that is shown. 

We recommend that this is ordered before the shoot takes place so that it is done during initial editing and when you get your photos back the fire in the fireplace is already complete.

We do offer grass replacement which adds green grass to the photos or greens the existing grass that is there. For a small editing charge we will add in the grass to all photos, including interior photos if the grass is noticeable through the windows. 

We recommend that this is ordered before the shoot takes place so that it is done during initial editing and when you get your photos back the grass replacement is already complete. 

Photofliks Inc. is not able to keep up with different MLS rules and regulations so if grass replacement is ordered, we will complete the editing but Photofliks Inc. is not responsible for any MLS violations.

Due to technological limitations, we are not able to do grass replacement in videos.

Although Photofliks Inc. can edit out or remove the power lines or utility poles from the photos, this might be considered an MLS violation. Photofliks Inc. is not able to keep up with different MLS rules and regulations so if the request is made, we will complete the editing (subject to a fee) but Photofliks Inc. is not responsible for any MLS violations. 

Due to technological limitations, we are not able to remove these items from videos.

Editing, changing, or modifying media produced by Photofliks Inc. is a strict violation of our terms of service and is not permitted under any circumstances. We offer a wide range of editing options and retouching services to cover all your needs. 

This includes but is not limited to: 

  • Either personally or having a third-party add sky replacement to your photos. 
  • Either personally or having a third-party add grass replacement to your photos. 
  • Either personally or having a third-party add fire in the fireplace to your photos. 
  • Either personally or having a third-party virtually stage your photos. 
  • Either personally or having a third-party digitally convert your photos to twilight photos.

All videos are guaranteed within 3 days of the shoot, not including Sundays. However, it is usually much quicker than that, oftentimes even the next day after the shoot. If your shoot was on Friday, you might receive the video on Saturday, even if our office is closed.

We understand that you need your media as quickly as possible so we always strive to return all media as quickly as possible

All photos are guaranteed 24 hours delivery. This includes regular photos, aerial photos, and/or twilight photos. If your shoot was on Friday, even if our office is closed you will still receive the photos back within 24 hours.

We understand that you need your media as quickly as possible so we always strive to return all media as quickly as possible.